build the infrastructure first

developing country means a country that is in a transition from a poor country to a rich one. It's still in searching the best way to develop it's own area, system, and character. In this case, we can take an example, Cambodia.
In my opinion, the best way to build Cambodia is developing its infrastructure first. government must concentrate to it first. we can learn from America. in late 1800 they established a lot of 'jalan tol'. of course it had a certain mean. American government wanted to make a distribution of many product easily. it means that the cost of production can be minimized effectively. firstly it will cost very much but it is an infestation. so, it will give a lot of advantages in the end.
in Cambodia, we can say that they can learn from America. Cambodia has to build their own infrastructure firstly such as, highway, telecommunication, airport, etc.
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